
Don't forget! Interesting stuff happening on a specific date on the calendar below this is just filler text to get the idea across.

Fashions and Embodiment

Fashions and Embodiment

Editor's Note: The following is a loving account of a workshop covened by the artists and storytellers, Emma Hoette and Celia Pym, which was held in London in the Fall of 2016. With the guidance of Emma and and Celia, workshop participants were invited to explore the forms of embodied knowledge we employ on a daily basis when we engage in the intimate, mundane, and tactile act of dressing and of mending our garments. In this visual essay, the two recount their processes, as well as their findings through words, photography, poetry, and collage.

Independent Dressing: An Interview with Cair Collective

Independent Dressing: An Interview with Cair Collective

For What It's Worth

For What It's Worth