Don't forget! Interesting stuff happening on a specific date on the calendar below this is just filler text to get the idea across.
The Fashion Studies Journal (FSJ) is an activist-oriented, advocacy-driven online home for members of the global fashion studies community to congregate in solidarity. We invite submissions that go against the grain of traditional academic scholarship, from works-in-progress, to critical think pieces, to profiles written by emerging thinkers as well as seasoned academics, journalists, and practitioners. FSJ provides an eclectic editorial approach that speaks truth to power and amplifies marginalized voices and honest conversations. While we welcome writing that explores any facet of the fashion system, we prioritize perspectives that are equitable, feminist, queer, and actively antiracist. We also aim to foreground the precarity of academic labor practices previously only acknowledged within whisper networks and behind closed doors. To address every issue facing the field would be impossible, but through the Fashion Studies Journal, we can support one another as a community through the shared connection of dress.