Don't forget! Interesting stuff happening on a specific date on the calendar below this is just filler text to get the idea across.
The inspiration for our “Making it Work” survey was born of both curiosity and desperation: curiosity about the people who make up our very interdisciplinary, global field and desperation to know how these individuals were managing to piece together careers and making financial ends meet.
Kim Jenkins has not only worked exceptionally hard to build an exemplary career as a scholar and public intellectual, but she has so much to share about the deeper sources of her drive to contribute to the public discourse on fashion and culture.
Anthony Palliparambil, Jr. speaks with seven fashion studies educators about their experiences teaching during the pandemic, the support (or lack thereof) they’ve received from their institutions, and how they attempt to prioritize their own wellbeing in the face of an unprecedented challenge to higher education.
Fashion and textile conservator Callie O’Connor pulls back the curtain on the precarious nature of museum work and the unwritten rules young fashion professionals are expected to follow.
It takes a village to raise a fashion brand — a fact that often goes overlooked within the fashion studies literature. In response, Erique Zhang questions what collective action might look like if we recognize the many individuals involved with this work and foreground an ethics of care.
COVID-19 has created a crater in the fashion industry. Globally, early-career and established designers alike are proposing new business models and reshaping what the fashion industry is and how it operates. Jonah Solomon considers how recent design school graduates are uniquely positioned to thrive in times of turmoil.