Sight Screen

"In many ways, he actively refused to conform to the “sighted world,” living in a world where the poetry of fashion occurs through touch, sound, and smell." A poem by Julie Gork, touching upon the sensory complexity of fashion and navigating the lack there off in digital fashion experienced by those with visual impairements.

Generative Fashion: Companion Planting Fashion’s Digital Futures

"Divergent fashion systems can leave behind the challenges of physical fashion systems derived from fossil fuels, greenwashing, overproduction, and overconsumption.” In her text, Elizabeth Bigger explores the new relationship we must uphold with fashion generative and regenerative landscape in order to replenish our relationship to fashions’ current landscape and future possibilities of being linked with, and growing alongside earth.

Hacktivism & Digital Agency

"How can we act as fashion hacktivists against Instagram's biased algorithm to unfold digital agency for marginalized voices?" The authors explore Instagram as research tool with the aim to dismantle digital colonial practices in relation to fashion, and amplify tactics of the decolonial counter-movement that allow for digital agency.