While the deadline for submissions as part of the launch of Volume 3, Issue 1 has passed, we continue to accept submissions to Volume 3, Issue 2 on a rolling basis to fashionstudies@ryerson.ca.
Fashion Studies is in search of interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary written and creative research that analyzes and offers original contributions to the field of fashion studies. Our journal is mixed-media focused and accepts a wide range of scholarly approaches: papers or creative work, as well as combinations of the two, are always welcome. We also invite collaborative work, interviews, and event reviews in traditional or mixed-media formats. We specifically invite the submission of creative formats, the research of graduate and emerging scholars, research focused on fashion history, and research on contemporary fashion.
We continue to advocate and offer a platform for research that is both critical of fashion studies and recognizes fashion’s nuanced history and continued potential as a tool for positive social change. Work that centres diverse voices and experiences in its exploration of dress, that engages with fashion across multiple fields, and that applies innovative methodological approaches to the field is encouraged.
To jump start your creative juices, we include this list of sample topics:
1. Fashion and Representation
2. Fashion, Identity, and the Body
3. Creative Approaches to Fashion Studies
4. Reworking and Remediating Fashion History
5. Fashion and the Environment
Please see our submission guidelines for more details and information! For questions, please reach out to fashionstudies@ryerson.ca. We look forward to receiving your work!