National Museums Scotland
Edinburgh, Scotland
CFP Submission Deadline:
11:59pm GMT, 31 January 2022
The conference will be held on Friday, 27 May 2022.
The Association of Dress Historians (ADH) will be holding the conference in person at National Museums Scotland in Edinburgh and online via Zoom. National Museums Scotland closely follows Scottish Government guidance on Covid-19 prevention measures. If future restrictions prevent an in-person conference, the event will be online only via Zoom.
Every year, the ADH hosts The New Research in Dress History Conference. In 2022, we are trialling a new format, which will include presentations by emerging scholars, chaired and hosted by established scholars. The format will focus on our aim to support those studying in the fields of dress and textile history by emphasising connections, conversation, and collaboration as we move forward with pandemic-affected research.
Alongside individual presentations, the conference will include time for roundtable reflections from established scholars and a National Museums Scotland curator talk.
Submit to Present:
We encourage submissions from anyone new to scholarship in the field of dress and textile histories or who are currently undertaking postgraduate studies.
Suggested presentation topics include untold histories, conservation and preservation studies, interpretation and display, making technologies, haptic investigation, and/or global connections.
To submit a proposal to present a 15-minute (maximum) paper at the conference, simply email the following information by the deadline, 11:59pm GMT, 31 January 2022, to as a .doc or .docx attachment (not a .pdf).
A 150-word (maximum) abstract (without footnotes) that describes your paper.
A 50-word (maximum) biography to be published in the PDF programme on selection. (This will also help the selection panel prioritise new researchers.)
A black-and-white photograph of yourself or your work, to be published in the PDF programme on selection (embedded above your biography).
If you do not anticipate travelling to present or speak in person at National Museums Scotland, please note this and include time zone information with your abstract. Please be aware that this event is currently planning to run during National Museums Scotland staff hours 09:30–17:30 GMT.
Submit to Chair and Participate:
Are you an established scholar? To submit to act as a panel chair and to participate in the roundtable reflections, please send your note of interest (with the information, below) to
A 50-word (maximum) biography to be published in the PDF programme on selection.
A black-and-white photograph of yourself or your work, to be published in the PDF programme on selection (embedded above your biography).
The deadline for submissions is 11:59pm GMT, 31 January 2022.
Please direct all questions about this conference to Dr. Emily Taylor at email
Potential ADH conference speakers are not required to hold an ADH membership at the time of proposal submission; however, all accepted conference speakers must hold a current annual ADH membership for the year in which they present. The term “conference speaker” includes all those who participate in the conference, including speakers, panel chairs, poster presentations, et cetera. This policy does not include conference attendees in the audience, who are welcome to purchase a non-ADH member ticket. ADH memberships are £10 per year and support our charity and scholarship in dress history.
There will be an opportunity for New Research Conference ticket holders to book one of four curator led sessions at museum sites across Edinburgh, Scotland on Thursday, 26 May 2022 to be scheduled after 2:30pm GMT.
The conference programme will be announced and ticket sales will open on Monday, 28 February 2022, check back here for a direct link or look out for notification on our social media.